GV2 PRESS RELEASE Los Angeles, CA -- Bryan World Press. “Graffiti is like a virus that has penetrated every level of our consciousness, and like most viruses you cannot detect its presence until it 's blown up! Folks are ignorant about Graffiti Arts history and power,” says Bryan. “Graffiti Art is a direct expression of societies' psychological state of mind , it's an 'in-your-face' sign of our times!” According to Bryan, “never before in history has there been such an art movement that has impacted so many people on a worldwide basis.” “Graffiti Art is both loved and hated; it's freely given away to the anonymous public galleries and private collectors. But still it's inherent value is totally unappreciated by the masses. The walls are screaming loudly and we are ignoring its significance. If 'your child' were yelling at the top of his or her lungs in the next room, would you ignore their agonizing screams? I don't think so…” Interviews with Writers, street scenes, and over 400 tags, throw-ups, and pieces plus the winning artwork of the 1st and 2nd INTERNATIONAL GRAFFITI ART COMPETITION (see below the Art Books: GV25 and GV26 which features worldwide submissions to the IGAC.) continued GV2 PR | GV2 Reviews | GV25 Art Book 1 | GV26 Art Book 2 |
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BRYAN WORLD PRODUCTIONS PO Box 74033 Los Angeles, CA 90004 Telephone (323) 856-9256 Email: bryworld@aol.com |
ndependent multi award-winning documentary filmmaker Bob Bryan has proven once again with his second documentary (in the GV Docu-Series) GV2 Freedom of ExpreSSion? that there's much more to the Graffiti Art Movement than at first glance. Professionally executed GV2 unearths the obvious truth about the historical relevance of the Graffiti Art Movement set against the backdrop of today's urban landscape. |
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“… a voice for the disaffected youth of today!”