One of the coolest people I have worked with so far, Bob's film is created to serve, in my opinion, two purposes. The first as a way to bind a fragmented scene whose members have few places to share ideas and technique. The second is to educate the ignorant who see graf art as a menace and bring the comprehension up to a level of traditional art in the progression and critique.
The word "Verite" means truth and that is exactly what this film is, a truthful look at the positive and negative side of the scene. The video interviews 24 of LA's writers, both male and female, who talk on graffiti's progression, the roots, and LA's unique place in the graf world. The artists' also reveal the everyday dangers they encounter as well as personal tragedies as a result of the ignorance against them.
Graffiti Verite' concentrates on the arts original home (the walls of the decaying city), but also explores graffiti's new place in galleries and in one case as a backdrop for an opera. With these new havens for graf artists , how does the future of graffiti look? For the most part it looks positive as this is a scene that will never sell out, a scene that thrives on progression and dedication.
- Kyle Connaughton