What is "Public Performance"? To perform or display a work "publicly" means--to perform or display it at a place open to the public or at any place where a substantial number of persons outside of a normal circle of a family and its social acquaintances are gathered; to transmit or otherwise communicate a performance or display of the work to a place specified by clause (1) or to the public, by means of any device or process, whether the members of the public capable of receiving the performance or display receive it in the same place or in separate places and at the same time or at different times. (Title 17, U.S.C., Copyrights, Section 101, Definitions)
What is Public Performance Rights (PPR)? The Exhibition or Screening of this Video in a Public Setting requires the venue, establishment, or in some cases the individual to secure an additional license, The Public Performance License. The basic concept here is that if you, your class or Institution are going to benefit from the Performance of a Producer's Work, the Producer should also benefit. These additional PPR fees collected by the Libraries or Educational Institutions are paid to the Producer as compensation for the performance of their works within a Public Arena i.e.: Classroom, Rental Facility, Library, Auditorium or part of a Public Presentation for paying customers or for free. |
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“ It's just human. We all have the jungle inside of us. We all have wants and needs and desires, strange as they may seem. If you stop to think about it, we're all pretty creative, cooking up all these fantasies. it's like a kind of poetry." - Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider, Northern Exposure, Mister Sandman, 1994 |
© 1995 - 2019 Bryan World Productions. All Rights Reserved. |
BRYAN WORLD PRODUCTIONS PO Box 74033 Los Angeles, CA 90004 Telephone (323) 856-9256 Email: bryworld@aol.com |
The end-result renders a shockingly honest and fascinating snapshot of the Private / Public world of the POET and their oftentimes grossly misunderstood and underappreciated artf orm POETRY. Decide for yourself what's going on… but only if you value the complete, raw and unadulterated truth.
“Poetry is life and the avoidance of it, is Death!!!” - Steve Goldman, Poet / Author THE CANON OF THE LONE RANGER
Special Bonus Features: · Wise Words of Encouragement from the Poets · Complete Poetry Readings by the 31 Poets · What is Contextual Poetry? by Dr. Thea Iberall, Poet · What is a Chap Book? by Brendan Constantine, Poet · Artist Contact Info Mask Cover Art Created by Miles Alexander Bryan, Running time 72 Minutes, © Copyright 2006 Bryan World Productions |
BWP Press, Los Angeles, CA — The Complex & Compelling Face of Poetry.
How are Poets able to conjure provocative mental images, stimulate secret passions, stir-up complex and unresolved personal issues in their audiences? What motivates these Poets to Confess, Create and bend “Reality” ?
Perhaps this devotion to the process of transcribing the Encrypted Truth dictated by the “little voice whispering inside their heads” are simply metaphorical “Post-Cards from the edge of dissonant consciousness" ?
Moreover, these Poetic Artifacts are likely the Magical by-products of countless hours of disciplined rewriting and soul-searching. This complicated and laborious process evolves to a point where each and every passionate written word is contemplated, weighed, evaluated and juxtaposed. Every single published "word-bubble thought" promises to be a near-perfect embodiment of that sublime “aha” birth- marked moment of sublime revelation.
GV6 THE ODYSSEY examines and reveals the truth behind 31 Multi-Ethnic Award-Winning Published and Respected Poets and their Poetic Creations in a seamlessly woven, uniquely honest visual tapestry. Defly guided by Multi-Award Winning Filmmaker Bob Bryan, GV6 synthesizes One-on-One Poetry Readings, Graphic Iconography, Creative insights, and dramatic poignant Interviews.
GV6 THE ODYSSEY stands as a Must-See Documentary Presentation with huge Educational and Creative implications for those drawn to Language and Literature! |
GV6 The Odyssey: Poets, Passion & Poetry